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Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction

Boi Faltings, Thomas Léauté, Adrian Petcu

EPFL LIA Technical Report LIA-REPORT-2008-012, April 2008


In Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems, agents often desire to find a solution while revealing as little as possible about their variables and constraints. So far, most algorithms for DisCSP do not guarantee privacy of this information. This paper describes some simple obfuscation techniques that can be used with DisCSP algorithms such as DPOP, and provide sensible privacy guarantees based on the distributed solving process without sacrificing its efficiency.

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    Address = {Lausanne, Switzerland},
    Author = {Boi Faltings and Thomas L{\'e}aut{\'e} and Adrian Petcu},
    Institution = {Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)},
    Month = {April},
    Number = {LIA-REPORT-2008-012},
    Pages = {15},
    Title = {Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction},
    Type = {Technical Report},
    Url = {},
    Year = {2008}